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by Paul Purday

'As many as are perfect,' tallest order
How many do we know that are this way?
The strangest statement in the light of day
Would any claim this, in this world's disorder?
Many will try, but fail, to their dismay.

Those finding Jesus, will expect when knowing
This perfect Man, that life will straighten out
Perfection's hope will soon give way to doubt
And doubt gives way to keen dismay, and showing
That this was their activity throughout.

What are our hopeful prospects now displaying?
That God and man will somehow seek to mesh?
But find that none can modify the flesh
Only union, His Spirit and ours conveying
A brand-new start, beginning life afresh.

Perfection only is what He is seeing
His life within, which only He can know
Which will affect the outer life and show
The Spirit's fruits displaying in our being
His perfect Life that sets our hearts aglow.

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Book by Paul Purday

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