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Some tips on how to DRAW...

Sunday School Activity Sheet: Some tips on how to DRAW...

tags: tip, draw, drawing

handout id: 3299
short name: Some tips on how to DRAW...
nutshell: Drawing Tips

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Wording of this Handout:

Some tips on how to DRAW
1. Use a soft pencil. Don't try to draw the finished picture straight
away. Sketch things in lightly, and see how it looks first.

2. Start to add stronger lines, when you think you have the general shapes
right. Don't be afraid to use your eraser.

3. Use a pen to do the final lines. It sometimes helps to add weight to
the outlines, because when we see things, we get more from the edges than
the insides of objects

4. A 'Golden Rule' for artists: Draw one thing every day. For example,
draw a chair on Monday, a salt shaker on Tuesday, a bucket on Wednesday...

5. Don't worry about finding your own style. It will come anyway, as long
as you keep drawing. Even if you copy other artists, you'll still find you
have your own style in the end.

6. Don't give up. Every skilled craftsman began with a few clumsy marks.
If you have a talent there, it will come out with practise!
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