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Sunday School Activity Sheet: Marriage

tags: marriage

handout id: 3351
short name: Marriage
nutshell: Marriage

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Wording of this Handout:

Why do people get married?

Marriage started a long time ago - about 6000 years ago in fact - just
after God created the first man and women.

When Adam and Eve, the first two people in the world were created, God
made a rule : " a man shall leave his father and mother and shall cleave
( that means to stay close to, or faithful to ) his wife" ( Genesis 2:24 )

So you see marriage was not just something which people thought up.

God designed things so that a man would marry a women, and a women would
marry a man - Just one man for one women and one women for one man.

Our amazing God

According to the Bible, God can hear ( psalm 94:9 ), and see ( 2
Chronicles 16:9 ), and speak (Exodus4:11), and he has hands (Isaiah
49:16), and arms ( Acts 14:17), and fingers (
Exodus 31:18 ) and a heart (Act 13:22).

Yet God is spirit and His children must worship Him in spirit and in truth
( John 4:24 )
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