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Who did this

Sunday School Activity Sheet: Who did this

tags: who, did, this, humor

handout id: 3417
short name: Who did this
nutshell: Who did this

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Wording of this Handout:

What letter comes next in the series?
T,F,S,E,T,T,F,S . . . ?

Who did this
Who was a very good boy, and he had a brother called Notme. But try as he did to always do the right thing he was always getting himself into trouble.
For example, one day when he was playing outside, the dog ran into the house and knocked a cup of tea off a table.
"Who did this?" said Mum.
"No!" said Who, "It was not me!"
"So you're trying to blame your brother?" said Mum, "Off to your room!"
So poor Who had to spend an hour in his room for something he didn't do.
And when he went to school it was the same old story. . . he was sitting at his desk, doing all his work, when the teacher discovered an apple core in her desk.
"Who left this in here?!" he said.
"Who did?" repeated the class.
"No!" said Who, "It was not me!"
"I'm sure it wasn't your brother" said the teacher, "So, for trying to blame him, and for telling lies, you'll have to stay after school!"
"This is just no good" thought Who, "I will have to change my name. . . so he did. From then on he wanted to be called Idon'tknow.

Three little puppies

Three little puppies
Behaving like yuppies
Decided to eat on the lawn.
But old Farmer Blogg
Threw their food in the bog.
So they felt very hungry till dawn

Answer: E. Two Four Six Eight Ten Twelve Fourteen Sixteen Eighteen
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