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The Brain

Sunday School Activity Sheet: The Brain

tags: brain, memory

handout id: 3450
short name: The Brain
nutshell: Human brain

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Wording of this Handout:

It doesn't look like a computer, but it works better than any computer anyone has ever made!

The brain works on many things all at the same time. Some of those things could be :
Seeing, Hearing, Feeling, Smelling, Listening, Breathing, Moving, Speaking, Reading, Writing, Imagining, Singing, Laughing

If you worked out everything your brain did in one day it would be more than all the information stored in all the libraries and everywhere else, in every other way, in the whole world!

Now if you ask a huge computer for some information, it has to search its whole memory to find if it doesn't know something. . . but if you ask a person something like "What did you say this week three years ago, they would know instantly that they didn't know.

The brain stores so much it is almost able to keep storing new information forever - and never get filled right up.

The brain stores the memory of sounds, sights, smells and feelings from as early as your very first years of life. Very old people can usually remember what they did when they were little children !

It also seems to have its own 'movie theatre', in which we can see things again which we saw many years ago.

The brain is so amazing because it was designed by an amazing God.
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