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317 - Did Jesus really never sin?

Sunday School Activity Sheet: 317 - Did Jesus really never sin?

tags: Jesus, never, sin

handout id: 3902
short name: 317 - Did Jesus really never sin?

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Wording of this Handout:

First of all the Bible says that he never sinned. That should be all we need.

But there are other things we might add to this. For a start, the words of Jesus himself! He asked his enemies to point out a sin in his life and they couldn't find one! (John 8:46)

Jesus also claimed to do ONLY what pleased God! I bet you or I could never say that. (John 8:29)

But there was also the witness of his friends. We all know that the nearer we get to other people, the more we see their faults, but when Jesus had disciples fottowing him about for three years, they still couldn't find any faults in him.

When the devil tested Jesus, he (the devil) couldn't come up with anything that stuck.

When Jesus was crucified, one of the other men on another cross said he (Jesus) was sinless, and so did Pilate, and later John and Paul and Peter all wrote that Jesus had no sin.

The Bible says: " . . . who did no sin, neither was guile found in his mouth" 1 Peter 2:22 (King James version)
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