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MMag 122 Jesus

Sunday School Activity Sheet: MMag 122 Jesus

tags: Jesus, follower, follow, dicisple, follower of Jesus, fisherman, apostle, follow Jesus, silly book names

handout id: 4024
short name: MMag 122 Jesus
nutshell: Stories of Jesus.

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Wording of this Handout:

Stories of Jesus

One day Jesus went looking for a special kind of person. He already had lots and lots of people who liked Him, and plenty of friends, but now He needed some more people who would copy Him, and carry on the work he had started after he was gone.

The first special people, or disciples, he called on were fishermen.

Jesus went walking down to the side of the lake and found two men, called Peter and Andrew. They were in their boat, throwing their net over the side.

"Follow me!" said Jesus.

Peter and Andrew were really pleased. They had already learned a lot about Jesus from other people, so they were keen.

"He wants us to be His disciples!" said Peter as he jumped out of the boat. "Come on, Andrew!"

Jesus walked along the side of the lake for a while, until He came to some more fishermen. They were sitting on the beach, mending holes in their nets.

"James and John," said Jesus, "I want you to follow me."

"Gladly!" said James and John, standing up. They left their nets on the beach and walked beside Jesus. Their father, who had been with them, watched them go. He was pleased.

"My sons," he thought, "are followers of Jesus. I am a lucky man!"

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