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Fun page 9

Sunday School Activity Sheet: Fun page 9

tags: fun, humor, John 11:25, tree-mendous, joke page, fun page, fun page 9

handout id: 4085
short name: Fun page 9
nutshell: Joke page.

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Wording of this Handout:

Fun Page Nine

Can you whistle and suck at the same time?

The Bible has never been proven wrong in even one single detail. You can depend on it 100%. It's true!

Too much pop in the soda pop-I better pop off and tell my pop.

What do you get if you cross an elephant with a bird? Broken clothes lines, bent aerials, holes in the garden, and lots of handy manure.

Why were the Dark Ages so called? They hadn't invented torches yet.

Did you ever notice that a boxing ring is really a square?

Did you know that, in the shops, pigs were going cheap? Cheep! Cheep! Cheep!

Tennis must be a noisy game. I heard someone say they couldn't play it without a racquet.

Kiwis: They come out at night, they run away, they stick their beaks into the ground, and they can't see very well. So what? I still like them!

"Hello, Worm." "Hello, Stinky Beak."

The Bible is God's love letter to you and me.

What is bid and red and dangerous? An angry cucumber.

What is flat and brown and hurtles through the air? A jet propelled biscuit.

Which poles can always be found and never be seen? The North and South poles.

What do you get when you cross a cricket bat with a rooster? 1. A bat that stands on the fence and crows every morning, or...2. A rooster with a handle.

What do you get when you cross a fish with a jam sandwich? 1. A lump of bread on the end of a fishing line, or...2. A fish with a sweet centre.

What hides up trees and goes, "Dweet! Dweet! A bird with a bad cold.

Pop pop bang pop!

Cock a doodle doodle do.

"I am the resurrection and the life; he who believes in me will live." John 11:25.

Superbug: "I am a boring bug."

Life is fun with Jesus.

Believe it or Not: When Shakespeare was around, people liked a really cool meal: they'd cook up some potatoes, and tip carmel sauce over them. Yum?

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