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038 - The Right Way to Give

Sunday School Activity Sheet: 038 - The Right Way to Give

tags: tithing, tithe, tenth, offering, church, offering plate, give, giving, gave, require, required, requiring, offered, compulsion, 2 Corinthians 9, 2 Corinthians, Daily Nibbles

handout id: 4303
short name: 038 - The Right Way to Give
nutshell: Tithing is a matter of the heart, and not for others to judge.

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Wording of this Handout:

The Right Way to Give

Most churches have a time when a collection plate or bag goes around, and it is assumed by most people that this is the time to drop some money into the plate or bag. Many people give because it is "the thing to do," While others give out of a sense of "guilt." Some pass the bag along without putting money into it, hoping no one saw their lack of giving, while others look longingly at the money, wishing they could take rather than give!

But the Bible says we are not required to give anything if we do not want to, nor are we expected to give a tenth, or everything! There are no rules about giving, except one - we must feel free in our hearts about the matter.

No Christian is allowed to judge another Christian on the matter of how much or how little they give!

The Bible says, "Each man should give what he has decided in his heart to give, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver."
2 Corinthians 9:7
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