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Poems by Raydene Nash

poem count: 80 | pages: 9 | finalist: 2 times
Condemned Sin
Using well-known, undesirable characteristics, the devil's works are at least in part brought to light by this poem. Rebellion is as the sin of witchcraft, and stubbornness is like iniquity and idolatry, I Sam. 15:23. New covenant, Jesus condemned sin.

A Word of Wisdom
Men need to be allowed to be men. Even if not married, they are to treat us like they'd treat their sisters or aunts. They are to take the responsibility for all immorality. Theirs is the final authority to stop it within the church, Adam wasn't decieved

To Be Christ's Follower
There is no promise of ease in the believer's life, save that of Christ being our rest. Those who trust in garments or in keeping the seventh day holy are bending their knees to a created thing, not the Creator Himself, Jesus Christ.

Please Don't Badmouth Me in Prayer
There are certain prayers the Lord hears more than others. Praying sincerely doesn't include pointing out another's faults to God, for one. Nor telling Him how to fix that other person.

The Speck that Exposes the Beam
The one with the speck may know his pitiful state, while the one with the beam may not, due to self-righteousness or other spiritual blindness. Yet the one with the beam is called upon to deal with it so he can help get the speck out his brother's eye.

Covered Ground/Ode to Don
A strong prayer warrior my husband and I knew passed away recently. To me it is an example of the devil silencing his opposition. Somehow there was an open door, whether in his life or in the prayer chain itself, I believe.

Only to Mar
Please Pray for me I am in need

A Little of the Fight
Satan and his evil hosts seek to withstand the church. They will use evil tactics to entice believers away from the truth and to steal the Word. The gates of hell shall not prevail against the church. Matt. 16:18. Jezebel is only one of many evil spirits

White as Snow
Rom. 6:14. "For sin shall not have dominion over you: for ye are not under the law, but under grace." If I'm not ruled by sin (noun: person, place, thing), I'm free to do what is right in God's eyes. It's not that I won't ever sin, but it doesn't rule me