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Beautiful Within
A poem about Israel carrying the Ark through the wilderness.

Listening Out first in poetry contest
It seems that our lives are ruled by all sorts of sounds these days, but in all the ringing and dinging there's one sound that will move us quicker than any other. Scripture reference 1 Thessalonians 4:17

All in the Blood
This poem was written in a waiting room while waiting to have a blood test.

The poem explains why God disciplines His children

The Mountain
Ascending the Mount of God through faith.

By The Grace Of God
This is a song that I wrote in response to the times we live in today. I just finished a video and uploaded it. you can find it at this web address:

The True Vine
A poem showing where our true spiritual comes from. Abiding in the Vine.

A Lament for Love
Musing over love that I could have lost after my lover and I went through a recent upheaval in our romance. This poem describes the lesson I have learnt to always tend towards him and never falter no matter what happens, with my heart full of love.

Tomorrow finalist in poetry contest
Tomorrow is safe in God's hands!

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