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Changing Faith

by Katherine Bennett

Changing Faith

The morning dawned with beauty,
Another life was born,
A little baby girl had come,
To greet the blessed morn.

Her parents watched with wonder,
And touched her little hand,
But little did they know that she,
Would someday never stand.

And through their minds already raced,
Plans for her future year,
But how would they have known they would,
Lose this one so dear?

Family gathered round and sang,
It was her 5th birthday year,
But never did they once suspect,
They had a thing to fear.

Her school years suddenly ended,
And here she was, eighteen;
Her life was just beginning,
Her book still empty and clean.

More proud of her they could not be-
She, so beautiful and smart,
But soon would come the day they would,
Live in distance, worlds apart.

Next came a day of life and death,
Her head she could not lift,
As doctors gave her gentle words:
"Each day will be a gift."

For weeks she drifted back and forth,
Why did she have to die?
Days were spent in hopeless tears-
Forever asking why.

One day she woke, determined,
To find a resting place-
She paced the room in silent thought,
This time she could not waste.

For in life there must be a purpose,
No matter how short or long;
A reason to keep rejoicing,
Although the way seems wrong.

She stopped before the bookshelf,
Her eyes scanned every one,
And lastly here her gaze was fixed;
She'd soon meet God's own Son.

There it was, the "Holy Bible",
Covered in years of dust;
Waiting for the day when she,
Would surrender her pride and lust.

Without another second thought,
She found it in her hand.
And later she would journey to,
That blessed promised land.

Before the day was ended,
Her soul was forever secured-
Her joy was now completed,
Christ had her life procured.

Her family could not help but see,
The smile on her face,
The strength she suddenly possessed,
In every day and place.

She cheered the hearts of others,
And told them of God's love,
And all her family was saved before,
She went home above.

Some days the pain would grip her,
And sometimes seized with fear,
She cried out to her Lord for help;
And felt His presence near.

She never asked for healing,
Or begged Him for her life,
She knew that this, her story was,
Meant for pain and strife.

For God had written it this way,
So who was she to ask?
And on she went, forever content,
Never her joy to mask.

Her funeral was simply done,
But hundreds did attend,
They'd all been touched so wondrously,
By love which God did lend.

Tears fell quickly from the eyes,
Of all who gathered near,
As the words were read of a letter,
From one they'd held so dear.

"Dear family, friends and neighbors,
My dear and loving ones,
Always trust in His dear name,
And He will call you 'sons'."

"His word is never-failing,
His promise true and clear,
That He will never forsake you;
Of man you must not fear."

"No sickness, pain, or worry,
Is too great for His might;
So lift your head and boldly walk,
By faith and not by sight."

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