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Be Born Again

by Robert LaBarge © 2017

It was said of Nicodemus
who had courage slightly squeamish
that he visited the Savior late one night

Where he asked about salvation
for himself and Jewish nation
so would Jesus kindly help him in this plight

Jesus said God had a simple plan
that all men must be born again
it really was as easy as all that

But Nick our friend did wonder
how a man could go back yonder
and become a little baby in no time flat

Jesus answered back so clearly
caused he loved this ruler dearly
knowing one like him could little understand

That flesh from flesh appeareth
but we needed a new spirit
and that is why He came into the land

For God so loved all sinners
whether old dudes or beginners
that He sent to them His one begotten Son

Who doesn't come condemning
or to lead us like a lemming
to a darkness that will never be undone

Yes His light will shine so brightly
if we enter in not lightly
but many choose the darkness to their doom

Because their deeds are evil
so they cause their own upheaval
sad, His light makes the barren heart to bloom

Loosely based on:
Prov 18:21; 1 Cor 4:20; Deu 32:47; 2 Pet 2:3; 1 Sam 3:19; Psa 12:6
Lev 19:16; Mark 4:14; Prov 15:4, 21:23; Jam 3:1-18; 2 Cor 5:10

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