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Sins And Misdemeanors

by Mark Spencer © 2021

Christians in their naivety
Believe there is a scale,
A scale on which God measures sin,
Deciding which sins fail.

To meet the Lord's requirements,
Concerning salvation,
Some are simply misdemeanors,
Hardly worth damnation!

These are harmless little white sins!
They're barely even crimes!
They might have been wrong long ago,
But not in modern times!

And yes, there really is a scale,
On which the lines will blur.
A skillful fable, glibly penned
By author, Lucifer!

"Who told thee thou wouldst go to hell?"
That simply isn't true?
God doesn't notice 'little sins',
For this, He won't judge you!"

These words are what man wants to hear,
So he can have his cake!
Without a danger to his soul,
For choices he might make!

But sin is sin in our Lord's eyes,
It cannot be excused.
For evil has no shades of grey.
That truth won't be confused!

And every misdemeanor sin,
Is willful defiance!
The felonies defy Him too,
It's not rocket science!

So candy coat it if you like,
To make you feel cleaner.
But your soul still grows darker with
Every misdemeanor!

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