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by Ronald Ferguson © 1997

Throughout that dreaded region,
Lived the demonic, Legion.
People feared, with good reason.
By demons, he was bound.
No restrainer was found -
Smashed shackles, left on the ground.

See him sit, at Jesus' feet.
Satan's power, met defeat.
In his right mind, now discreet.
Displayed across his face,
God's glory, we can trace -
Demonstration, of God's grace.

* * * * *

A certain man, two sons had.
While at home, they made him glad.
One departed - made him sad.
Walked out, with his estate.
To destiny, a date.
God, with him, did not rate.

Money spent - debauchery.
His income gone - he's hungry.
Sells himself, to slavery.
He, only corn husks earned;
There, in the pig pen, spurned.
To his father, he returned.

* * * * *

Festive time, of marriage came
To Jesus, before His fame;
Before others, knew His name.
The wine was depleted.
The groom's joy defeated.
The guests, felt they'd been cheated.

"Fill the pots, right to the brim."
God's power, was seen in Him.
Left them not, out on a limb.
The best, they had tasted.
This wine, won't be wasted!
The guests, were now elated.

* * * * *

Mary sat down, at His feet.
Martha laboured, in the heat -
Food prepared, for them to eat.
"Tell her, Lord, to help me.
Can't she see, I'm busy
Showing hospitality."

"Unto Me, she's come apart.
She'll not forfeit, her choice part,
That shows devotion, of heart."
The good part, Mary chose,
To leave, life's cares and woes.
Sweet retreat, from all life's foes!

* * * * *

The disciples, on the lake,
To try the other side, to make,
Left fair water, in their wake.
The windswept lake grew wild.
Belching waves, high were piled!
No place, for adult or child.

"Wake the Lord, without delay!
We can't hold the sea, at bay!
We are hopeless, in this fray!"
Rebuked, for faithlessness,
In the face of distress.
The Lord dispelled, their helplessness.

Metre: 7-7-7-6-6-7
Copyright reserved

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