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To Err…

by Mark Henderson © 2022

To err is human
To Forgive is Divine
Is a famous quote
Whose meaning sublime

For both are true
And of that no quarrel
But the interrelationship
Is the point or moral

For the need to forgive
Requires the error
And it though human
Belies His character

For this was Not
His intended purpose
But a conjugal fidelity
Of which He's zealous

But the fact is
We are never zealous
Except for ourselves
And even that… dubious

So it sets the conundrum
Of a perfect loyalty
Right up against
Our brutal infidelity

So how do we solve
This paradoxical quote
While we recite it
Ad Infinitum as rote

To proceed we must
Surely recognize
That the solution Divine
We can not humanize

For we in a similar
Conjugal circumstance
Will never forgive
Let alone offer acceptance

So here we are
Looking in that mirror
And of our hypocrisy
There's nothing clearer

And that is the point
Where we Must start
If we're ever going
To understand His Heart

For it is His Heart
That rises above
His need for justice
And defines pure Love

But make no mistake
His love is just
And He can not deny
His perfection for us

And so there again
The conundrum arises
But His love for us
Has many surprises

And so Justice requires
A suitable punishment
That is fair for all
Especially the plaintiff

But God Is
The merciful Plaintiff
And seeks a solution
That has no 'what ifs'

And so…

The courtroom is set
And we're found guilty
To the first degree
And the penalty? Deathly!

And now…there is quiet
Throughout the universe
As God's own creation
Has been convicted! Perverse!

And we with our heads
Bowed low between our knees
Praying for mercy
Because we did as we please

But God rises up
Mercifully gazing our way
And clears His throat
As He addresses our stay

"I will pay the penalty
That My spouse deserves
And I will surely die
In her place unreserved"

And so it was
In the perfect of times
When our error on display
In all of our crimes

That God came to stay
In our earthly abode
And of His pure love
He perfectly showed

And History is witness
To all of the above
So there is no excuse
But to return His love

And so when we do
Confirmation we give
That to err is human
And Divine to forgive

But the conundrum is us
For both in our error
And our need to forgive
We find His forgiveness….
in us His mirror

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