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Listening Out

by Ellie Miles © 2023

My life is ruled by buzzers,
By dings and tweets and chimes.
I even note my bird clock,
When chirpers sound the times.

My ears perk up at "Mommy,"
Or "Hey, I need some help!"
I'm tuned for coughs or sniffles,
Or unexpected yelp.

I tilt my head at whistles
Especially if it's three.
And if I hear a siren
A-praying, I will be.

My ears are set and ready
I'm always listening out --
Especially for the trumpet
Accompanied by a shout!

That call will end all others
The Sound above all sound.
I'll move so fast to meet Him,
My feet won't touch the ground!

This poem won first place for the November 2023 poetry contest

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