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219 - Step by step

Sunday School Activity Sheet: 219 - Step by step

tags: step, by, step

handout id: 3806
short name: 219 - Step by step

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Wording of this Handout:

Step by step.

I once heard a missionary talk about her trip to Palestine. She described the old quarter of the city, which the Israeli government has ordered should not be altered or modernized. It is made mainly of stone, with very narrow spaces for streets, and little arches join the walls above the head along the streets and alleys.

There are no street lamps, because such modern things are not permitted, and people have to carry lights with them when they go out at night.

The missionary told of a night when she had to find her way from one part of the old quarter to another, and only guide was and old woman with an oil lamp. The lamp was so feeble that all it could light up was a few steps at time - just enough to make walking easy, but not enough to see any further than those few steps.

The missionary said she sudden understood what the Bible means when it says that God's Word is like a lamp to our feet. God guides us through life a step at a time. He never shows us our whole life, or even a year ahead - not in detail anyway, so we have to read a bit of Bible each day and do our best. God is the only one who is in charge of the whole journey.

The Bible says: "Thy word is a lamp to my feet, and a light to my path." Psalm 119:105 (King James Version)
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