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223 - Christianity without Christ

Sunday School Activity Sheet: 223 - Christianity without Christ

tags: ymca, humanitarianism, morals

handout id: 3810
short name: 223 - Christianity without Christ

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Wording of this Handout:

One of the most dangerous things about our modern society is the fact that it is trying to build a world which enjoys the benefits of Christianity without acknowledging the Lordship of Christ.

For example, we have the Rotary Club which provides get-togethers and social times, the Boy?s Brigade which has formal prayers, the Red Cross which cares for the suffering and injured, the Mental Health Foundation which does counseling, the Drug Rehabilitation Units, the YMCA, the YWCA, the Environment Centre, the Superannuation Scheme, Neighborhood Watch, Scouts, Cubs, Brownies, Girl?s Brigade and so on and so on.

All these organizations do so many good things, and many of them have Christians in them, but usually Christ is not the focus or centre of the organization. Most of these organizations practice Christian principles, but they leave out Christ.

It is a bit like children taking money and sweets from their parents but never saying thank you. It is a bit like someone inheriting a fortune for which they did absolutely nothing, but which they can enjoy without even knowing where it came from.

The good news is, one day the whole world will see that all the blessings it receives come with the savior who gives them.

The Bible says: ?Because of Your temple at Jerusalem shall kings bring presents unto You? Psalm 68:29 (King James Version)
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