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225 - The world needs Christianity

Sunday School Activity Sheet: 225 - The world needs Christianity

tags: liar, eternity

handout id: 3813
short name: 225 - The world needs Christianity

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Wording of this Handout:

The world needs Christianity!

Critics of Christianity are sometimes correct, because Christians are not perfect and they make mistakes, but the overall effect of Christianity has been nothing but good for the world.

Christians have led the way in science. Many of the greatest scientists were Christians, and many of the greatest doctors. Isaac Newton, for example, wrote more books about the Bible than about his science and Carl Linnaeus gave us the classification system for plants and animals. Christians have given the world some of its greatest art and music and books, and dramas too.

Christians have let the way in the battle against poverty ( i.e. William Booth) and for the better treatment of prisoners. They have founded hospitals and Hospices. They have fought in political way for the abolition of slavery (i.e. Wilberforce) They have founded homes for needy children and orphanages, and support groups for all kinds of people housing, agriculture and crafts. They have opened schools, universities and factories. They have taught the illiterate to read, and the useless to make something of their lives.

On the other hand, what have the critics of Christianity done for the world? They have turned to religion and waged wars, they have turned to skepticism and taken away people's reason to live, they have caused depression, doubt and hopelessness.

When the critics of Jesus start doing something better then Jesus, then I might start listening to them.

I don't believe in God!

That's ok - God doen't believe in atheists!

The Bible says: "(They were) astonished, saying, He has done all things well, he makes both the deaf to hear, and the dumb to speak." Mark 7:37 (King James version)
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