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Poems by C D D

poem count: 21 | pages: 3 | second place: 3 times | finalist: 5 times
The Love Letter
A poem of Evelyn, my 12 year old daughter.

Wisdom Crieth Without
Inspired by Psalm 1:20-33. I remember the first time I read and pondered this passage and was floored by the judgement of God. Having served 3 combat tours in Iraq, I feel like I have a better understanding or perspective of our shying away from God.

But God
Inspired by Ephesians 2:1-9 and the preacher that preached from it.

4th Verse to Day by Day
I always felt like the classic hymn Day by Day seemed incomplete finishing with "..'til I reach the promised land." I wanted to address the promised land meeting.

The Reason second in poetry contest
I've already seen Christmas items on the shelves in early October. While I appreciate something other than Halloween stuff, I'm still taken aback with the commercialization and compromise of Christmas and the Great Commission...Here are my thoughts.

Written in an acrostic, this poem is inspired by Gen 8:22 While the earth remaineth, seedtime and harvest, and cold and heat, and summer and winter, and day and night shall not cease. I'm welcoming in the new fall/autumn season.

Divided Unto Desolation?
Written in Triolet. Inspired by Mark 3:24-25 And if a kingdom be divided against itself, that kingdom cannot stand. Concerned about Luke 11:17 ...Every kingdom divided against itself is brought to desolation...I fear God's Word. Luke 11:23 & Mat 12:3

Years of Tears
A poem written in celebration of another year God's blessings through our church.

A Simple Touch second in poetry contest
The word touch is used 48 times in the Bible and with few exceptions they have a negative connotation attributed to them. The primary exceptions were those trying to touch Jesus or his clothes.