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Poems by Kristine Stanton

poem count: 210 | pages: 24 | first place: 3 times | second place: 5 times | finalist: 73 times
WHEN YOU HEAR THE NAME OF CHRIST finalist in poetry contest
“Who do people say the Son of Man is?. . .But what about you?” he asked. ‘Who do you say I am?’ Simon Peter answered, 'You are the Messiah, the Son of the living God,’” (Matthew 16: 13,15–16, NIV).

Come Join Us in a Treasure Hunt finalist in poetry contest
This poem is an invitation to seek and find the LORD...

The LORD’S Throne and Footstool
Heaven is the LORD's Throne - the Earth His Footstool.

The Bread of Life
Jesus Christ is the Bread of Life and He has declared that whoever comes to Him will never go hungry, and those who believe in Him will never thirst.

A poem about three boys: Truth, Lie, Dare. . .

There is a Growing Need. . .
There is a growing need for God, His love, tranquility, mercy, grace, righteousness. . .The world needs God, forgiveness, and faithfulness so it can change its ways. . .

Blessings for the New Year - 2024.. . .May God's peace be with you throughout the New Year.

I Hear Sweet Angels Singing
This poem is about sweet angels coming to honor and adore Jesus at Christmas time each year.

The Candy Cane
A poem about the candy cane and the Shepherd's staff.