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Poems by YeoYY

poem count: 19 | pages: 3 | first place: 1 time | second place: 1 time | finalist: 3 times
For Love of A Saviour King
As the season of Lent spurs me into pensiveness over the love and sacrifice of the Lord Jesus Christ at the cross and my appropriate response, here contains the musings and an expression of love because He first loved us that we love Him.

The Cross of Calvary second in poetry contest
A poem with a Calvary-centric theme written in worship and wonder at the goodness of God and all His promises theme and the remembrance to take up our cross daily and follow Him.

The Eternity of Music
This piece of writing emerged from my musing over the passage of time and the nature of music. The first and original song that was sung from the lips of God as He spoke the universe into being still sounds in its echoes that linger in us and in Him.

Psalm of Praise
A song of worship writ unto the Triune God, perfect in glory, majesty and power. Praise be to the only wise and loving God from everlasting to everlasting now and forever and ever!

For Love of a Pilgrim
Some musings of heart and mind on the journey of the soul, which cross me as I make my way across time while on this pilgrimage to make on this side of eternity.

The Work of Love
A descriptive poem that expresses a personal experience of receiving the love of God and its enablement to love Him for no other purpose than loving Him.

A Journey to Bethany and Back
A narrative in poetry of the events surrounding Lazarus' death and bringing back to life in light of the truth of the knowledge of the security of our salvation in Christ and the life everlasting.

The Living Lord of Love
Some meditations of heart and mind on the love and life of our Lord Jesus Christ with His first advent in my thoughts. May the loveliness and beauty of Christ Jesus sing a far better song than this poem.;

Unspoken Wounds
These words penned flowed forth from some ruminations after a visit to the doctor. They are arguably written from the physician's standpoint while taking into consideration how the individual patient may feel.