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Trials & Challenges Poetry

Calming the Tides
Calming the Tides is a sonnet that speaks of the constant hope and the sense of perspective that come with calling on Jesus Christ in times of trouble and turnbulence.

The Way Of Suffering
Sometimes it is God's will for us to suffer some things, but He always has a good reason for allowing it. May we continue to walk in trust during difficult times.

I have wrestled long with trying to make sense of mixed messages when it comes to what is and what is not essential. This poem captures some of that frustration we have all been dealing with.

Comparing one of God's creations, a poppy, to another one of his creations, a human-being.

Pain for Peace first in poetry contest
I was in excruciating pain when I wrote this a few weeks ago. I was in so much pain that I begged God to take me home. Evidently, God had other ideas - at least for a time. So today I am totally free of pain. I praise God for his grace and mercy.

Whatever Comes Against
Whatever comes against you will not bring you down

Overcome all things with God

Eternal Life
Sin and evil is all around us and can be like a cancer inside of us, but ONLY if we let it. I was diagnosed with pancreatic cancer that has spread but it will never kill the life inside of me. I thank everyone for their prayers in advance.

Refiner's Fire
Are you asking God why you're going through a trial! This poem may help you find an answer to your question.

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