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Missions & Evangelism Poetry

God never sends us to do his work, without first giving us what we need .

Night Lights finalist in poetry contest
A poem likening Christians to the heavenly bodies.

Beacons of Light
Christians should shine Christ's light in this dark and lost world.

Now is the Time finalist in poetry contest
Now is the time to reap the harvest.

If I Could
There are things we simply cannot do, but we can spread the Gospel.

Jesus' Words
I was sitting on the dark, bottom bunk in a YWAM base in Tijuana on a mission trip. I tried to tell my story in a way that would capture it's significance to me.

Differences in Culture
I went on a mission trip to Tijuana, and I wrote this about some of our differences in culture and how only God's Love can cross some barriers.

The Old Mission Church first in poetry contest
It doesn't matter what a church building looks like. What does matter is that people worship God in spirit and in truth.

An Indictment
I'm a self-proclaimed introvert and often used that as my excuse not to take advantage of every opportunity to share the gospel. God dealt with me quite harshly about that...and this poem resulted.

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