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God's Love, Grace & Mercy Poetry

Broken finalist in poetry contest
Only through Christ's worthiness can we walk in humbleness and peace. Sometimes our sadness can overwhelm our walk. He loves us no matter how broken we think we are.

The Garden
How God blesses us, sometimes when we least expect it.

Do You Hear Me?
A cry out to God in times of weakness and He answers.

The Tapestry of Life second in poetry contest
The in-workings and out-workings of our lives.

From Riches To Rags
Oh, the depth of Calvary’s love! He who was rich, for our sake, became poor.

Music Of Victorious Death
Jesus won the ultimate victory through his death on the cross. I am forever grateful!

God Must Not Exist first in poetry contest
The top argument made by most unbelievers is: "How can a loving God allow the evils of this world to happen, much less go on?" That was me, years ago. But God gave me my answer. An answer that my heart was WILLING to accept. The heart must be willing.

Open Your Eyes and See finalist in poetry contest
Open your eyes and see what Jesus did for us.

I Shouldn't Have Looked, God Shouldn't Have Looked
I tried to see through the eyes of David in writing this poem. David sinned when he allowed his eyes and heart to take him in the wrong direction, but thanks to the grace and mercy of God, his failure did not define his future.

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