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Thanksgiving Poems

Thank You So Much, Lord.
Thanking God for all He has given me.

Thank You Lord
The Lord is so good I could never thank him enough.

I am so undeserving of His endless goodness to me.

When I think of His wonderful love for me it is nothing short of miraculous!

In Him. first in poetry contest
I word I trust that will help us all to rejoice in HIM

Life is a Gift
My husband has been very sick for over three months now. I forgot to shut my computer off one night and I was incredulous of the emails and prayers that came to us. I am so thankful for these friends who pray for us. It is a gift from God.

God, I Give You all the Glory
How do we show God how much we love Him? How do we go about showing our appreciation to Him?

Matthew 6:11 (KJV) "Give us this day our daily bread..."

"I Thank You, Lord"
I wrote this song to say "Thanks" to a God who never gives up on me!!!

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