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Bible in Rhyme

Living Water
This poem reflects on the conversation between Jesus and the woman at the well. So often in life we are striving for contentment. However, its only when receiving what Christ’s offers that we can be fulfilled.

Proverbs 1 finalist in poetry contest
Wisdom calls out in the street, she lifts her voice in the square; in the main concourse she cries aloud, at the city gates she makes her speech: “How long, O simple ones, will you love your simple ways? How long will scoffers delight in their scorn?"

The Rich Man and Lazarus
Written after reading Luke 16:19-31Lord, help me not to be so rich that I forget about You,or so poor that I am tempted to steal.

A Time For Everything
I wrote this poem in 1999, after reading Ecclesiastes 3:1.

The raising of Lazarus
Inspired by John 11 : 35 - 45

Psalm 121
Inspired by Psalm 121 A song of ascents: A psalm sung by Jewish pilgrims on their way to Jerusalem. The theme of this psalm is safety in the Lord.

Lamentations finalist in poetry contest
I recently wrote poems for the five chapters of Lamentations. Here are excerpts of the first several stanzas for each of those poems.

The fiery furnace
Based on Daniel 3 : 1 - 30

All The World Will See
This is a poem based on Psalm 2. The world kicks against the truth, but the truth does not change. Christ is King, and blessed are all those who trust in Him.

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