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Poems About Poets and Poetry

A Poet
A poet loves,cares and shares.

I Could Have Loved You... first in poetry contest
The "World" is constantly trying to draw us into a relationship that is so contrary to what the true lover of you soul wants to give you! Choose Life!!!

Where is Poetry?
This poem could go on and on and on....

Just a Pencil-stroke Away first in poetry contest
Let my mouth be filled with Thy praise and with Thy honor all the day.Ps.71:8

A Poet finalist in poetry contest
These are my thoughts on what makes a poet. I believe anyone can write if God is in it, and you ask Him for it..

Needed Change
Be careful what you ask for.

Time's A-Ticking
A while back I was spending far too much time on the internet: hence this poem ...

Where's respect we used to have,among each other, great? And where's concern for other folks in love. How do we rate?

God made grandma special. Her cooking, Heaven sent.She hadn't much to offer but she really was content.

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