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Hallowed Be Thy Name

by louis gander © 2009

Our Father, who art in Heaven,
hallowed be Thy name,
because you first, so loved the world -
we're changed and not the same.

We once were so despicable,
like soiled, dirty rags,
but now we wait as loyal friends,
as a puppy's tail wags.

They say that dogs are man's best friend -
trusting pure and true,
so faithfully we follow -
our faith is all in You.

There's nothing we can turn to,
nothing that we own,
nothing we can build upon -
except Your corner stone.

We wait on Your great wisdom,
we live on Your great strength,
and then as faithful servants,
we serve to greater length.

We cannot hold Your love inside.
We cannot live the same -
we must shine bright and tell the world!
Hallowed be Thy name.

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