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Every Thursday Morning

by Belinda van Rensburg

Every Thursday morning
Little Bobby's sad;
He has to leave his mommy
To spend some time with Dad.

Though he is still very young
It's been this way for years;
Each week his life becomes undone
And he bursts into tears.

He loves both Mom and Daddy
More than words can say,
But the parents of this laddy
Have each gone their own way.

Sunday all through Wednesday
It is Mommy's turn;
Thursday until Saturday
For her his heart will yearn.

Dad is fun and loves him so
Mom is warm and caring;
Both on him their love bestow
And there is no comparing.

But still, each Thursday morning
When Mom drops him at school,
Little Bobby's mourning
And thinks his life so cruel.

God wants Mums and Daddies
To raise their kids in pairs
So that the lads and lassies
Might have twice the love and care.

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