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Uncle Bill's Sunday School Class

by Margaret Cagle

In my little country church,
I remember those old days still.
My junior Sunday School teacher
Was a man we called Uncle Bill.

Uncle Bill loved to teach the Bible.
He used the flannel graph stories.
He taught about Bible characters
And of Jesus and all His glories.

Every Sunday when our class ended,
Uncle Bill stood before us there.
"Jesus loves you all!" he'd say,
And he cried as he closed in prayer.

Some of the boys in our class
Made fun of our dear Uncle Bill.
Behind his back, they mocked him.
"Old Uncle Bill is crying still!"

One Sunday when class was ending,
Tears were filling Uncle Bill's eyes.
A boy named Bob ran up to him,
And everybody heard Bob's cries.

"It's not funny anymore!" he cried.
"Uncle Bill loves us all so dear.
I want to ask Jesus to save me now.
Uncle Bill, please pray with me here."

No one laughed at anyone then.
Many kids knelt down in prayer.
That day many of them got saved
In Uncle Bill's class right there.

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