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by John Dowdell

Here I am standing in this overgrown place,
I have seen the tired look on your face.
I have heard them say, "you have fallen from grace"
But I want to come in to stay.

If you let Me in, I know what's in store,
I know what goes on behind that door.
There's sin crawling out of the walls and the floor
But I'm knocking anyway.

I could open the door with just one word,
I could be in before My voice was heard;
But I'll give you the chance, though it seems absurd
To tell Me to go away.

I might remain here for a year or two.
I could be gone before the day is through;
For now is the time and it's up to you
If you'll let me come in today.

So here I stand hoping you'll unlock
The door to your heart, which I gently knock.
I'll be your friend, your saviour, your rock
And I'll sweep all those sins away.

This poem was a finalist in the July 2012 poetry contest

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