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by Margaret Cagle

I came to Christ as a sinner.
By grace, He saved my soul.
To grow in grace to His image
Was my Christian life's goal.

Christ has transformed my life
Into a useful vessel for Him.
He forgave me for my many sins,
And He washed away all of them.

Yes, I still make many mistakes
As in this flesh, I dwell below,
But then I confess those sins
When in prayer to my God I go.

My goal in life each passing day
Is to be more like my Savior.
I want to always please Christ,
For I desire to be in His favor.

One day I will be like Christ
After leaving this world of woe.
I'll shed this corruptible flesh,
And I'll dwell in Heaven, I know.

Romans 12:2A says, "And be not conformed to this world, but be ye transformed..."

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