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by Phil Calendine © 2017

inescapable destiny
time known by none
ahead in the dark
never undone
refuse to look
head in the sand
still it comes
sickle in hand
none escape
but for a moment
passage of time
unstoppable opponent
one to the left
one to the right
there will be a next
terrible plight 

choose not to see
blot from the mind
ignore the inevitable
blind leading blind
engulfed in the journey
caring not where it goes
“, drink and be merry”
false highs real lows

there is more for then
there is more for now
slaves in chains
refuse to bow

wanting more
getting less
seeking freedom
brings distress

lie to yourself
it doesn't matter
life is shattered

He holds the truth
open handed
He is the truth
once abandoned

escape attainable

inescapable destiny
time known by One
ahead in the light
forever undone

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