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Receive The Savior Today

by Margaret Cagle

The flagman warned the motorist,
"Man, don't drive down that way!
Bridge is out!" The motorist said,
"I don't believe a word you say."

The motorist chose not to listen
And plunged headlong to his death.
"I've a right to believe as I please,"
He said as he took his last breath.

You may say, "Nobody is that foolish
To ignore a warning such as this.
Nobody would take the risk and chance
Of falling into a river or an abyss."

Yet, many people knowingly ignore
The warning written in God's Word,
Or they may choose to put it off
After salvation's plan they've heard.

Many are headed for destruction,
For they choose not to believe
God's only plan of salvation.
God's Son, they will not receive.

Heed the message in God's Word.
Receive Jesus, the Savior, today.
Then Heaven will be your final home,
So call on Jesus without delay!

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