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My WOW Factor

by Margaret Cagle

I am very blessed with riches.
Let me tell you my story.
I'm not rich in earthly goods,
But my riches are stored in Glory.

God reached down and found me
And He washed away my sin.
I am safely in His loving care,
And I have great peace within.

I belong to the household of faith.
Yes, I belong to a mighty God.
I'm redeemed by the blood of Jesus,
And in His steps, I onward trod.

"WOW!" It is just a mild word
To describe the great way I feel.
I am an heir with Jesus Christ,
And I know that my Savior is real!

I praise God for my "WOW" factor.
It is God's amazing grace and love.
I'll see Him face to face one day
When I reach my Heavenly home above.

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