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In The Shadow Of The Steeple

by Margaret Cagle

Cowboy Joe lived by a church,
But for God, he had no regard.
The church steeple's shadow
Loomed across Cowboy's yard.

The church held visitation,
Going soul-winning once a week.
Nobody wanted to visit Cowboy Joe.
Other neighborhoods, they did seek.

The pastor decided to visit him.
He knocked on his door one day.
Cowboy Joe welcomed him in,
But the pastor did not stay.

Cigarette smoke filled the air.
"I'm very sorry," said Pastor Steve.
"I'm allergic to cigarette smoke.
I guess I should just leave."

A year or two later, Deacon Jim
Announced, "I'll visit Cowboy Joe."
As he sat down to talk, he said,
"Your long hair is a sin, you know."

Cowboy Joe just did not care
To hear what Deacon Jim would say.
He said, "You wear yours short,
And I'll just wear mine my way."

There went Deacon Jim's chance
To tell him salvation's story,
But for visiting sinful Cowboy Joe,
Deacon Jim took all the glory.

When church members saw Cowboy Joe,
They condemned him now and then.
They forgot this soul needed God,
And he could one day die in his sin.

One Sunday after church, Cowboy Joe
Stood outside glaring at the people,
When he fell down dead in his yard
In the shadow of the church steeple.

Do we sometimes pride ourselves
In being Godly, church-going people?
Then someone dies without Christ
In the shadow of our church steeple.

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