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by Deborah Ann Belka

Jesus came with a tender heart,
and extended a loving hand
from the miry clay, He lifted me
and He helped me up to stand.

I was soiled and I was stained,
with the grime of my sin
and He knew that I needed
to be cleansed from within.

He saw that I was lost,
how my life lacked His direction
and He knew in the darkness
I couldn't see my imperfection.

So, He shined His light on me,
and it broke through the crust
that my heart was embedded with
until in Him I learned to trust.

He was the voice of my hope,
His promises I began to hear
He rescued me from the pit
and made my pathway clear.

Jesus came with a tender heart,
and He helped me up to stand
from the miry clay, He lifted me
now He holds me in His hand.

Psalm 69:2
King James Version

"I sink in deep mire, where there is no
standing: I am come into deep waters,
where the floods overflow me."

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