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by Margaret Cagle

Lost in the depths of sin,
I longed for peace within.
My soul was far from well.
I was on my way to Hell.

Each day I wore a frown.
My sins had weighed me down.
My heart with sin was vile.
To God, I could not reconcile.

One day I heard the story.
God sent His Son from Glory.
On a cross, He died for sin,
Yes, for the sins of all men.

That was God's salvation plan,
So he could reconcile to man.
Christ Jesus paid the price.
He is our only sin sacrifice.

I took Jesus as my Savior.
Now I stand in God's favor.
I am now reconciled to Him.
My future no longer looks dim.

I will go to Heaven one day.
My sins are all washed away.
My soul is no longer defiled.
Praise God, to Him I'm reconciled!

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