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A Hero Went To Heaven

by Margaret Cagle

A great hero of the faith
Passed on to Heaven today.
God said, "Your work is done.
No longer should you stay."

Here on earth he labored.
For Christ, he did his best.
He was God's humble servant.
Today he entered into his rest.

His name may be forgotten here
Down through the future ages.
His name will never be read
In any history book pages.

He was not a great celebrity.
His passing will not make news.
Family and friends are mourning
And members who sat in his pews.

He had a hero's welcome in Heaven
When he reached that golden strand
By his Savior and his loved ones
And maybe by an angel band.

He will get rewarded in Heaven.
Someday we will see him too.
He was a Godly example to follow.
Yes, he was God's hero so true.

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