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She Prays Like an Angel

by Pearl Leona Sturgis

My Mother prays...
like an angel at night.
She prays for The Lord
to make everything right.

She prays for her children.
She asks God to bless.
She thanks Him for loved ones
who've gone on to rest.

She mentions Lorraine ...
How she's thankful to Him,
because she's in Heaven
and living with them.

(With Mom and with Pop...
and with Daddy, that is.)
(with Karen'...with Mike...
and where Sweet Tommy lives)

And then, what she mentions
brings tears down my face.
She prays for each loved ones
her memory's erased.

She knows there are names
that she cannot recall.
She asks God to bless...
to remember them all...

that when she's in Heaven
with family and friends...
may none of her loved ones
be missing ,,, AMEN

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