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The grace of God

by Bettina Van Vaerenbergh

The grace of God is precious, costly;
It cost Jesus His life, and so much pain.
For the sins of the world, on the cross,
The Son of God for us was slain.

The grace of God is priceless, yet free;
God is willing to give it to everyone.
The moment we accept Jesus in our heart;
We are clean, and no longer 'undone'.

The grace of God gives us repentance;
By surrendering to Jesus, we are saved.
God's grace enables us and helps us
To do His will, as the Holy Spirit craves.

The grace of God is so, so wonderful;
It's the most beautiful gift of all…
Should you hear Jesus' voice today -
Then don't hesitate to answer His call.

God's grace alone brings us to Jesus;
He is the Truth, the Life, the only Way.
Dear sinner, harden not your heart;
Come, come to Him while it's still today!

Grace, through faith in Jesus, saves us;
It's God's plan for me and for you…
Don't try to 'earn' your way to heaven -
Our own efforts and works will never do!

By grace, through faith, we are saved;
And by faith in Christ Jesus we must live.
Today is the day to say 'yes' to Jesus;
To accept the gift God can't wait to give!

The grace of God is above all a token
Of His unfathomable and unending love…
Of showering us with good things galore
Our Heavenly Father can't get enough.

The grace of God is truly life-changing;
It saves us from sin, and every wrong way.
Sinner, if you hear the Spirit's voice -
Now is the time; today, today is the day!

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