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An example to follow

by Bettina Van Vaerenbergh

My Lord, when it hurts to live, when life brings me pain
And I feel entitled, justified to whine and complain;
Then, dear Lord Jesus, let me look up to You -
To all the sufferings and the trials You went through.

Even in Your pain, Lord, Your thoughts were of others;
Of Your friends and disciples, of Jerusalem's mothers.
Even dying on the cross, You thought of them first;
You never once complained, You just said: " I thirst."

You prayed for forgiveness for such a vile, evil deed;
To God the Father in heaven, in response to a need.
You ensured Your mother was taken care of, and safe;
How loving You were in Your pain, and how brave!

Without a single protest, You drank that bitter cup;
In Your darkest moments, to Your God You looked up.
You endured the pain, the shame You went through -
Because of the glory the Father set before You.

Lord Jesus, compared to Yours, my suffering is so littleā€¦
But I'm only human; weak, fragile and brittle.
Everyone has their cross, their pain, their share of bothers;
Dear Lord, lest I complain, let me first think of others!

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