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Stay Alive - Don't Drink and Drive

by Kristine Stanton © 2023

"My child,[a] listen when your father corrects you.
Don't neglect your mother's instruction."
(Proverbs 1:8-9, NIV)

I'd gone out to a party, Mom,
and heard your loving voice. . .
"There might be those who choose to drink,
but that will be their choice.
Just think about each consequence
of what some drinks might do,
and who might suffer at the hands
of what you'll put them through. . .

O' might you cause an accident
and jeopardize a life?
Or might you cause harm to yourself
and bring on added strife?
How would you feel about yourself
if harm you caused someone?
How do you think that I would feel
if that would be you, son?. . .

I pray that all your friends take heed,
and hear their mother's voice. . .
I pray that they will stop and think
and make a good, wise choice. . .
I pray they know all mothers hearts
are filled with love, my son. . .
I pray that no harm ever come
to you, or anyone."

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