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The amazing Javanese frog

Sunday School Activity Sheet: The amazing Javanese frog

tags: javanese, javanese frog, frog, frog, javanese frog, intellegent design, creation, creationism

handout id: 3200
short name: The amazing Javanese frog
nutshell: The Javanese frog was created with a specialized design that points to a Designer, God!

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Wording of this Handout:

If you go to Java, you might be lucky enough to see a frog which can fly.
This frog has such wide webs on its feet it can actually glide a short distance. . . and it builds a nest out of foam!
The nest is made between leaves, and is hollow inside? just like a mini aquarium.
It holds enough water for the tadpoles to swim about it until they are ready to leave the nest.
How does the frog know how to make a foam nest? How does it know how to put its eggs inside? How does it know how to fill it With just enough water?
The answer is in the Bible. God made the frog and put this wisdom inside it. "Behold God is mighty, and despises not any: he is mighty in strength and wisdom."Job 36:5
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