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The Amazing Platypus

Sunday School Activity Sheet: The Amazing Platypus

tags: platypus, platypus, echidna, animal

handout id: 3206
short name: The Amazing Platypus
nutshell: Platypus

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Wording of this Handout:

The platypus (and the echidna) are the only mammals in the world which lay eggs.
The platypus has fur like a mammal, but it lays eggs like a reptile or bird!
It also has a tail like a beaver, and webbed feet like a frog.
On its back foot it has a poisonous claw (called a venom spur) which is a bit like a snake with its poisonous fangs.
It has a beak like a duck.
And it has milk glands like a pig and a large brain.
The platypus has a blood temperature which changes when the temperature outside its body changes, just like a reptile.
And nobody knows where the platypus came from. . . except the people who believe the Bible.
The Bible says God created, every animal, including the platypus.
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