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The Platypus

Sunday School Activity Sheet: The Platypus

tags: platypus, platypus, animal

handout id: 3211
short name: The Platypus
nutshell: Platypus 2

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Wording of this Handout:

The platypus is part mammal, part reptile and part marsupial! If you look at it from behind you'd think it was a beaver, if you look at it from the front, you'd think it was a duck! If you looked at its nest, you'd think it was a rabbit! The platypus has no teeth, but its bill is like hard rubber, and inside its mouth are ridges. When it catches food, it stores it in cheek pouches and swallows it later on. It has webbed feet. It lays eggs. When the babies hatch, the mother keeps them in a pouch. The male platypus has poison spurs on its back feet, but it hardly ever needs to use them because it has almost no enemies. When God designed the platypus, He used a lot of imagination!
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