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The Toucan Can!

Sunday School Activity Sheet: The Toucan Can!

tags: toucan, toucan, bird, bill, design

handout id: 3237
short name: The Toucan Can!
nutshell: Toucan

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Wording of this Handout:

The toucan is a bird with a very big, colourful bill.

It uses its bill to pick fruit, build nests and attract female toucans.

The bill looks heavy, but it is made of very light stuff, and it is full of air pockets., and it has saw-edges for cutting fruit.

At night the toucan turns its head right round and rests its bill down the middle of its back.

You could colour this toucan's bill red, or yellow, blue, or green or brown or black.

God designed the toucan's bill. That's why it looks so good and works so well.
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