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Owls ( 1 of 2 )

Sunday School Activity Sheet: Owls ( 1 of 2 )

tags: owl

handout id: 3283
short name: Owls ( 1 of 2 )
nutshell: Owls

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Wording of this Handout:

Owls have very big eyes. Their large eyes catch more light than small eyes, which means that owls can see much better at night than you or I could. Owls need good eyesignt at night because that is when they go hunting for food.

The Bible says God made all birds.

This means that God designed them.

God made some birds for flying fast, and some for flying slowly. He made some big, and some small. He made their colours, and their beautiful voices. He made them shy or noisy, and some he made for the sea and some for the trees.

Here are a few of the marvelous things God thought of when He made the birds . . .

There are about 9000 different kinds of birds in the world today. There have been many more different kinds in the past but lots of them have died out over the last 4000 years, since the worldwide flood.
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